The reason that we are using the Business Model for the External Cube (other models may demonstrate the external cube) is that we can model placement of both the external drivers and the internal drivers. The inner cube is the production device that produces string on a quark valance basis. The sizing of the external cube is applied by production as is usually the case. We may not always put the business model on top, as sometimes it is better to demonstrate the Object Model itself.
There are specific maps generated for the topology of the Cube, called the State Map and the Key Map. We used actual geo-physical maps for these which include a Greek map of Argos and the Key map from the Flagler Railroad. These defined maps equate an area and topographical referencing which enables placement of drivers and other requirements into the cube which would otherwise not present characteristics. These defined properties will help us identify associations and any topological reference you choose will work if it equates to your area definition. To build an area in a required space you have to define the cube and its associative properties. (We are discussing a Virtual Build-out of a standardized Model definition that we will use repeatedly. We are going to use Artifacts of the Business Cube to help us define the Quantum Cube design.) There are for example three tiers, and the Key map could be used 3 times or more for placements around posts. The State Map is very conducive for determining progression through windows and other transitions.
The fact that we have selected the State Map, defined the State with a Foundation Key and then further defined a Key Map for the Placement of Objects has allowed us to define the Production Matrix. We will explain mapping with topological maps in the next blog entry.
One of the reasons that we defined the external cube with the business mapping is to create a requirements document that has built into it a definition of the frame. We have an external frame and an internal frame for placement of the drivers and other product definition of the CUBE.
This same application can be used for defining the frames and transitioning the frames of objects. The Manifold supplies the controls for the timing (and scaling) of features and QLD Fusion allows for the build-out of objects based on META Material requirements. These objects can be reviewed in terms of conversion and other changes in adaptation of the Virtual State.
When a Cube is produced with QLD Energy, it is Virtual in a defined META State of the Flat Cloud. It is based on a Production Progression that is run possibly in conjunction with an assembly made on a timeline or manifold.
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