Saturday, December 24, 2016

Quantum Remade

We have written a series of blogs describing how particles can be used to build objects.  It is not only such movies as "Frozen" which encourage our thinking, but innumerable stories have continually led us down the Time path of Technology, as well as our practical experience with systems theory and analytics.

Our thinking in the series of blogs regarding Qve Quantum Emulation is derived from our study of QLD Energy which is defined based on a Quark-Qubit configuration. This research led us to view the use of Quonics from the Unified Theory that emerged in emulating these processes which are described as consisting of the following processes:
  • flat atom construction
  • photosynthetic processes
  • nanos packaged energy
  • rho rotation of electrons (zero point energy)
  • potential power driven
  • quonics as drivers (directed nanos energies eliminating gravity as a requirement)
  • independent use of particles (absolute zero temperature)
  • building with particles requires lattice knowledge
  • virtual glass is devised with particle compositing
  • inner space (a theory prevalent long before we were born)
  • power intelligence (enumerated as the redistributive processes aimed at functional application of power and green technologies); the bios must match the environ.
  • Euclidean space can be defined but must be conditioned in order to be used
  • the wall ultimately will be of a virtual METAframe design
  • Qve Virtual Machines must be understood before Quantum Computers can be built because all of the components are virtual
  • The next Quantum based universe will be designed on the basis of functionally applied virtual reality tools with the controlled capability to protect individual persons
  • Encryption is a very important mathematical coding science
  • We believe that most story-telling, myth, prophetic revelation and other science related fiction point to string as the pivotal transition to a new era, and the Quantum Cube as the ultimate conclusion of branch mathematics and computer adaptation.
  • Flat Cloud engineering includes the delimitation of space and the ability to produce in at least 8 dimensions of Time and Motion based on Formula ONE transitive properties
  • The composition of the ONE System is the ultimate goal and not a disfavor to any country, industry, military organization or political leadership.
  • The utilization of Flat Cloud engineering and META materials allows for the formulation of Metrics, Matrix and Maps to all be on the same numeric basis and branch related formulations between states is possible. Time can be used in multi-instance programming.

It came to our attention during the writing of this series of blogs that the following confusion does exist:
  • Green Technologies is server based energy delivery (not widely known)
  • Rules Based thinking is regarded as some sort of religion (a very big surprise to Developers everywhere)
  • The Agile Manifesto seems to be project production without rules (not possible)
  • The guardians of QED apparently do not realize that QLD requires the same set of skills or they think that QED is the ultimate aim of the Owner of the Universe
  • Server based thinking about human support systems is not unheard of
  • There is always an economic value that must be preserved in any system in order to sustain it and to leverage it
  • The ID can be preserved through appropriate encryption processes
  • System Access Protocols are more modern and efficient control features than police
  • The intention of System Access Protocols are not to create functional barriers but to prevent illicit use of the system.
  • Rome was built by E-Tru-Scan Technology which existed with the Owner of the Universe long before the word technology was even know.
  • The aim of Particle Science is a Zoo (this is the Dr. Dolittle version of applied science)
  • META based thinking is an advanced theory of science that doesn't rely on XMen for knowledge
  • META based material science and technology is the 21st century design theory
  • The use of TIME in Manifold Engineering and MOTION in Active Dimensions is the appropriate use of Quantum Development as Qve or Qse
  • Cubism distorts the functional theory of the cube with literal translations of processes without scientifically accurate descriptions of materials or the uses of time and motion. However it does document changes which can be described verbally and is emulation. But our point is that the content which is buried in underutilized functional capabilities needs to be unleashed...

If we offend others by writing about the capabilities that were described to us about the Quantum Universe in QLD, we apologize.  But these articulated ideas and presentations were based on studies implemented by the Owner of this Universe whom has told us that we should sign his designation as OA/s on our entries. What price we pay for doing so is truly our own.  We believe in Intelligent Design and the Process of Adaptation in Forensics and Mu sic.  We have written some limited material on color and sound engineering in quantum, as well as lens capability, and the bios composition (which we can not describe well without further study.)  Other ideas we have gone into more extensively. But all of the ideas listed above we back up with some documentation.

Sometimes we use a less than formal proof, but most of our emulation is math and rules based programming.

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Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental