Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Qve Virtual Glass: a Transform from Break the Glass Engineering

III. Virtual Glass and the Commutative Lens

VGL Features

Scalar building, Properties of Virtual Glasses, QLD Schema revisited
Triangulation of Space-Time Properties, Timeline Branching and VRD

The power of nature to transform was something that people thought about in generational stages quite differently.  Our grandparents thought about taking the natural elements produced and modifying those elements in order to build or make things that enhanced their way of life.  They took their cues from the natural processes in the earth.  Other people of their generation were looking at more distant windows in the universe and learning about the underpinnings of nature and how that power unleashed could change the world.  People often thought about world destruction, but rarely considered the Flat World idea.

Spinning around us are spaces and windows in a virtual configuration that we don't know about, and which have been there for centuries.  Changes to the underlying mechanics and dimensions of everything are part of the process of adapting the universe.  It seems there is no universal constant yet there are natural laws which see to flow without interruption.  This is what led Albert Einstein to say:  God doesn't play dice with the cosmos.

But over the course of several years the generational knowledge changed and an understanding of systems and developing new systems changed the meaning of dice, dominoes and cubism.  There, the idea of game theory is not about playing, but about testing, configuring and delivering a scalable technology.

This has even been applied to Power Systems, and so Power Intelligence on the lower logarithmic scale has developed as well.  Green Technologies is leading us closer to a different version of PI(e).   And the windows that bring us that VIEW are changing rapidly too. As the underlying scale of dimensioning in the universe has been altered, we have become aware of the META world in a new way. 

We have considered "Break the Glass" Engineering as an agile theory of change.

When used as an agile performance method it takes a previous method and breaks it up, determining how to redeliver and package the application in a new performance driven way to enhance the quality and serviceability of the platform.  This is sometimes viewed within organizations as an Xtreme variation of development.

In the world, we have seen Xtreme development occur as a destructive force.  But the oddness of how it has allowed people to survive these variations makes us see that the management of that directive is carefully done and plotted over timelines, manifolds and devices which are virtual and which we, up until now, have known very little about.  The world is re-dimensioned with a different scalar applied.  We viewed this in our last blog entry, which is why we have pointed to both world events and milestones like "The Spruce Goose."

In the world, the idea or concept of Agile production began only in 2001, and this new way of managing development of software has clued us into any number of techniques that change the size and scale of deliverables.  We have learned about techniques that the Owner of this World has employed for centuries, and the awareness of it has helped us to see through events.


We see the world and the universe changing as a result of stem changes over long periods. It's possible this is done by continuously reframing smaller and smaller pieces and layers of packaged and forensic compositions that change the shape, size, dimension and capability of the underlying composition.    This is why we think the nuclear "accidents" and other events which have occurred that might have destroyed the world, were carefully planned to transition it into a new Quantum.  The confusion that people feel since WWII is not just being shaken in faith-based dialogue, but rapid change that has what we shall call "stage rage" in it.

We followed processes historically such as the Civil War and we found that the engineering of it, changed the map and the ability to industrialize the country.  It forced migrations to industrial areas, changed the educational content and the size and scale of the operative forces of building in the entire world.  And it had within its own time a version of "stage rage" which manifests itself in changing attitudes and divestitures as a result of tyrannies that seem to only last for a specific period.

So we believe that what we are experiencing now is a manifestation of that type of development.  It is possible that on the world stage we are seeing the last vestige^ of the world domination of the fascist theories of cubism.  And a migration to that micro layer of convention that finds itself developing systems in spite of the hardships of current events.

^Vestige is derived via Middle French from the Latin noun vestigium, meaning "footstep, footprint, or track." Like "trace" and "track," Vestige definition, a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence: A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.  Bing search notes "Vestige"

We say this because we see the progression toward a block design of the quantum cube, that allows for manifold design and a timeline approach to product engineering.  "Building" and development of emancipated systems, is the primary goal of the Owner of this World.

We have come to this conclusion by observing that a different scalar technique for building would in fact make incredible advancements in the use of content previously buried in old forms.  We learned this also by observing the way people have learned to build over the centuries and what new technology brings to the table.

The paradigm of a new age is as much of a change as from ancient Greece to Rome where developments occurred in the mapping of the cosmos.  And the move in the Medici period to discovering the "New World" and changing to the period of modernism in an enhanced view of the centricity of the sun.  Changes in format, tools and gear allowed peoples to reach farther, build more, and be educated.

We found in modeling theory so much similarity in metaphysical connotations of religious iconology that we could spend another several years just pointing that out.  The best thing that we learned is that moving to other forms has allowed peoples to survive and build knowledge in many formats and conditions throughout time.

The dynamics of Quantum adaptation have led us to believe that a skilled and outfitted workforce is essential to the interior integrity of the System and not something being dispensed with, merely transformed to the new paradigm.  If people doubt us due to "stage rage" we don't blame them, it may take time before the VIEW is acquired.

We have taken the time to View other forms of building and why they would be preferable and wish to share this view with our readers.  Please avail yourself of other parts of this content by understanding the scoping requirements and other concepts that will develop a better understanding of our approach.  We want to describe the ideas about Virtual glass as a Qve concept which we have learned.

Scalar Techniques and Building

As we explored the idea of building in a virtual METAframe we recognized that space has to be defined both in topology and in topography (fenestrations).  The concept of building directly from CadCam to a delivery cycle became very exciting to us as we realized the immediacy and subscription based enterprise that comes from the Flat Cloud version of engineering.  So skipping past conditioning the space and developing specifics for a METAframe architecture, lets discuss Glass.

Techniques to define what Glass is are as different generationally as telling what Windows means as an engineering value to the world in terms of architecture.  If we looked at ancient temples, the lack of windows is possibly what kept the civilization from certain advantages.

Was it a cruel hoax that failed to deliver the science for rapid advancement, or was it the way development has to build over time?  We often don't appreciate generationally how learning and tooling works.  But we also may not appreciate how underlying intelligences are being used to change the substrate of the universe and all of the architecture used to deploy materials in the cosmos.  We often don't appreciate the trouble of this kind of architecture and don't also realize the requirement to change it to a more advanced mode.

But as changes to materials and methods changed over a long history, so has our comprehension of what META based materials may do.   META based materials are defined by their synthesis or development as a material that is not natural but developed.

We have a tendency not to see what Arrays and Mediums do to protect us historically and why certain techniques of changing the social order were used to inform peoples. The "woman clothed with the sun" is an Array personified in order to teach the Aztech peoples, as early as 1534, a period of the Medici.  We see something here more advanced than Motion Graphics and more developed than reverse imaging.  We believe the bad effects of certain technologies were taken away.  And so we have come to reason that developments occur when they are ready to be handed more safely to people by virtue of how the trouble residing in these applications can be contramanded.  Here we must note that the combination of sun and sand makes:  glass.

15 The angel who was speaking to me had a rod of gold for a rule, to measure the city, and its gates, and its wall. 16 The city lies foursquare, the same in its length as in its breadth, and when he measured it with his rod, he counted twelve thousand furlongs. Length and breadth and height are everywhere equal.[2] 17 And when he measured its wall, he counted a hundred and forty-four cubits, reckoned by the measure of a man, that is, of an angel. 18 The fashioning of its wall was of jasper, but the city itself was pure gold, that seemed to have the purity of glass.

There is no way to describe to people for 2000 years what advanced technologies are and what the purpose of the changes to the metaphysical dimension are for.  But META glass is not the glass that we are familiar with and the techniques used to develop a different quanta have to include changes to the metaphysical content of people in order to make a sustainable universe.  It is better to personify those forces than to cause people experiences with consequence that make no sense.

We have trouble with them when they do make sense.  People can't pick up particles and use them any more than they can withstand radiation using more advanced methods of power generation.  Planning to enable the human race to advance has to occur long before the science is introduced. Telling people to migrate to America where the "streets are paved with gold," was quite an exaggeration in any time period.  But we are not so cynical as to think the consequences were not profitable to the families that made those sacrifices.  And we also believe that the symbolism that allowed them to surmount obstacles in the pursuit of a better life were not useless, amorphous or empty forms.

We in fact find that all of the symbolism of Christ, as in Chi Rho points to dynamics which in deed are responsible for "all things made."  But after reviewing all of these models we can see that the underworld indeed has a place in the entire schema of everything.  Every side of this long puzzle has lessons in it.

So what sense did we get out of Virtual Models that helped us to understand Scalars and transformations? Well, if you Observe lots of different models you finally get to know your way around a big box.  And then you can see why tiny boxes might work better. Also, what does the box need to be made of, and what kind of shape shifting is required in order to make the flat cloud profitable?

Some people see the profit motive as evil, but we finally do not.  The reason that we say this, is that sustainability means that the system must be leveraged in a way that is self-sustainable, but more so, if it is leveraged correctly the Owner will get adaptation from it that will motivate discovery for the long haul.  That keeps everyone in business for a long time, and no one is bored.  Permanence should not come at the price of "nothing left to do." 

So finding Nemo to us has meant two things:  The source of the right power to generate never ending motion and the way to guarantee that the tides don't erode the nations themselves.  Taking them down to the right level and right META configuration is part of the equation.

Another thing that we learned was that Scalability had everything to do with speed, and that speed in quantum has everything to do with sustaining the system.  And we also learned that to curve something, the smallest scale is the best to meet the curve requirement.

So the properties of Virtual Glass in Qve are:

  1. Scalable
  2. Curve enhancing
  3. META based lattice
  4. Image containment
  5. Motivational
  6. Temperature Resistant
  7. Energy based

And we also had to come to realize that the microdot has Rho and Chi arrangements within it.  Like marbles it is a certain kind of glass.  So that Virtual Glass extends its relations to all the forms which motivate it. Oddly Chinese checkers and Backgammon taught us more principles in terms of the cube like the Matrix and Navigation than Systems theory itself.  But we think this is how people invented systems in the first place, by playing games.  In Quantum its quite natural to suspect that these indigenous people who seem to know nothing may come to understand the Domino theory better than most, and become agile developers in their own right.  People who have worked with systems in some iconic religious sense may have a more intelligent response to new requirements built in.

The learning methods employed with people are more like the Montessori methods that employ shapes, symbols, maps and manipulation to understand the use of objects and associations.

So now we need to take a look at the way scale has taught us to think about shape shifting, the properties of glass and transformative objects.

Chasing an agile solution around a table has taught us that the smaller the point, the more likely the solution is to become adaptive.  So the table has to take the shape of the data and more importantly the data has to be a table at its least square.  So Powershell theory can raise the data in quantum from its infinitesimal part to its highest form.

This is why affinity is the best approach to resolving inequity.  Point of View keeps being informed by experience and discovery comes from sharing.  Someone may be stepping on your Point of View but rather than be daunted by it, we might be best off to listen.  You can't learn anything if you are too busy calling people on what you perceive as their flaws.  When you finally see their value, it is with quite an interest you begin to appreciate "a new window."

To become Virtualized is to take the Content that is "frozen" in an older form and make it viable by releasing it .  That is called Metamorphosis, and "the butterfly effect."

Here we have the Argonauts going after "The Golden Fleece" but their format may not have been what the Owner of this World was envisioning after their assignment. Forms have to change but often people are resentful of change.  Taking space-time apart is as daunting as learning to work with it originally.  Not taking it apart leaves the contents lie dormant and the opportunities untapped.

Working with Particles and Composite Lens is a strange task of layering complex fields and unlike properties to try to create META based materials that mask or enhance qualities that enable effects.

The work of the Future is about dealing with subsets of requirements that take many forms and require the ability to shift with those requirements.  Replication, building from subcomponents and subliminal complications tend to make Intelligent Design a tedious task to get the best results.

[You know that you've reached the heights of the "Peter Principle" when the people in charge are using the technology that you helped to create and to shape, to separate you from the means necessary to adapt to the next level.  But cycles of adaptation will leave them in the dust.]

Many people do have patience with these kinds of observations.  And we feel that the so-called  leadership may not see any "use" for a lot of people, but they don't see what they are actually learning from the experience of living in a large format.  Their exposure to simple tasks and repetition is to some of us quite dull, but if we need these things done there aren't better performers.  The right kind of META glass will make more advanced Quantum devices possible.

The Quantum CUBE is not the branching experience you know.  It's a performance driven mechanic that gives everyone a multiVIEW of tomorrow.  Building a Universe is not for paultry organizers. After all, in "Man from LaMancha" they sing:  where the brave dare not go. Courage then, is requirements based and a quest for intelligent designers.

Next we'll look at how shape shifting may work and developing branch requirements for the Qve Cube.

read also:

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