Monday, December 12, 2016

The Concept of the Virtual City in a META State

II. Virtual City: Expanding the Virtual Footprint

VCE Features

Time and Motion Tensors and Mathematical Knots, Virtual Machines commutative properties and convergence in QLD Schema; Branching from Pascal

We have embarked on the strange journey to describe a tree too small to see and too big to describe.  If it makes Alice in Wonderland feel foolish it's no wonder.  But the smiling Chesshire assures us that while the boards are changing, the outcome is richer and more desirable for everyone in the end.  What has kept us from recognizing this View is our limited range of experience.  If ever there was a Castle world, it's time to think out of the box about Quantum.

The only way for everything to come out of the box, is for previously compacted energy to be reformatted into a distributive power source.  This means that particles have to be used to motivate, to build and to generate multiple capabilities.  The functional use of power means a different type of shielded environment and a lot of new concepts to get used to.

Binary systems versus Quantum systems is like calling your sister a dog and finding out she's a cat too. Unfortunately she is also your twin.   At first it's an unpleasant experience of seeing that you don't own the properties that you had hoped for, but it becomes something of a pleasant surprise to find you can do more with what you now have.  (At least that is the way it has been explained.  But most people have had that kind of disappointment met with surprise.)  Then you also realize that the mirror experience is interesting, too.  So this embraces any number of topics, from gidgets and gadgets to quantum shifting, transformations, META surfing and parasailing.

In other words we have to mature into this way of thinking.  The older we get the more we realize that to get something new, you have to let go of something old, be willing to be a little blue and borrow the good advice and knowledge of other people to move on.  In fact, a lot of things we doubted turned out to be surprisingly interesting, when we trusted in our interior response to credible leadership.

So what is a META State and how might the Quantum Cube function in a Virtual City?  A META State is an inner space concept of the interior design spectrum of the universe.  The Quantum Cube is a different view of a world system designed in the style of a block universe where space and time function separately in order to free up quantum motion-ability.  A Virtual City is a place where the functional components that operate the quantum cube are placed and from which all of the application capability of the Quantum Cube is generated.  All of this becomes dependent on Flat Cloud engineering.

So what is the Flat Cloud and how do we know about it?  The Flat Cloud is the most thin minted way to build and produce anything.  It is preferable because it has a number of features that are very advanced.   We know about it because we were told about it by the Owner of the Universe.

What are these advanced features?
  • No energy signature
  • No visual appearance unless access is given
  • A virtual composition based on energy string
  • An advanced concept in Power Intelligence redistributing functional applications

We have taken the concepts found in movies and did some emulation modeling in mathematics to see if the idea of building with particles makes sense.  It expanded our ideas of what virtual production can do. And it made us realize that there is far more to these stories than mere entertainment.

We discovered through our Quantum walk in mathematical modeling that pipe and string exist in the flat cloud as a means to create a server application for the primary building blocks that complex particles become when engineered with composite lens and META based materials.  But to put it more simply:  a woodworker goes to the lumber yard and buys some varying kinds of lumber planks and boards.  A lumberyard goes and buys those things from a mill.  A mill contracts with a timber mill to obtain raw stock.  And the raw stock comes from a tree that makes cells into wood.

So the idea of starting out with string is the same thing, but now we are thinking about very tiny virtual machines that are replacing the atomic composition that we know and are producing from particle compositions instead.  Particles are used independently at absolute zero which brings to mind the temperature in Frozen but the packaging of these things would eliminate the temperature requirement.  And as we have already discussed the use of photosynthesis in combination with string can allow the production of just about anything imaginable, but of course it is dependent on having the right tools and gear, systems and applications to do the work.

Here in Virtual City we find the culmination of a lot of ideas, that due to repackaging, eliminate the need for a firewall.  This allows the use of the manifold theory and the activity of the application to produce at very high speeds a quantum basis for design.

So like the original Team ONE from the first days of power generation, we have to look far past our limited capabilities now and see with a much more delineated SCOPE.

We are staring into a world we barely recognize because there is nothing similar to hardware here.  Instead everything is recomposed in its META state and is part of the Qve format. (Sometimes we use e to stand for enterprise, but the important thing is that we are at the small end of a log.) 100 years ago to a Team ONE explorer, a strange and magical land it would be. To us it's almost on the tall order of visualization.

There are some interesting advantages to all of this:

  • Metrics, Matrix, Maps and Models, Virtual Inferences, Interpolations, Arrays and Statistical computations all live on the same basis.  We can explore the gap without the interference of electric generation, space compositions and perturbations.
  • Apparently persons will move about from tree to tree, from flower to flower like bees.  But I'm not certain we have to be so literal about it.  If people read about At Lan 'tis this way they would call it literal nonsense.
  • Until you realize how Quantum Systems can build and produce an entire spectrum of productions beyond the reach of our imagination, this idea of Central City is spectacular and more far reaching than a comic book idea.
  • However let's take a look at the Flash idea and see what we have learned: without QED interfering, the ability to work with a virtual reality spectrum becomes possible!  There are no fiery scenarios in QLD, no villains, phantoms, or alien aggressors

It may be a rock solid idea, but the fact that it's not lithic, is what makes it work! Because as we are soon to discover, much of the urban myth we have been exposed to is that part of the remake of the universe.  We saw this partly as we began to explore the double-down concept.  It was the same as the information we learned when we looked into crop circles and found the depiction of a virtual machine.  It began to be apparent to us that packaging, tools and gear were basic.

We found the theory of double-down when we first moved up to the manifold and put all of our metrics into alignment.  As we did this we discovered that 911 influenced flat world technology, and we began to think about what all of this may mean.  We realized that it influenced the way the world is leveraged.

We will be glad to share how we came to this conclusion in the next blog.  But for now let's focus on how much of a change this could become in the most positive sense (often ignored.)  Reframing and compressing multiple layers, and redistributing the content of energy based components, would become a great benefit already discussed.  We had pointed to the agile engineering of "break the glass" technique as being an important historic conclusion related to WWII and other events of history.  This helped us to understand that the Gap had to close between layers and dimensions.  The reason this was good is that it would put the operations of the universe on a different string basis and eliminate contentions between various forces.  The small footprint is what makes it difficult to point to this mega achievement. 

People also have difficulty understanding how anything could work that was flat. From working in various computer venues, you can realize that you work on a think pad or a keypad in a flat sense and move up to a dimensional view.  Just because the screen is flat doesn't stop it from producing a dimensional view.  In the same way, you could physically become flat based, work in a virtual environment and see everything dimensionally.  The bios basis may become an essential reason for why things have been transitioning for so long.  And String (people have finally begun to see what that is) relates to the Powershell theory of the empty atomic shell packaged with nanotechnology.

Sustainability and Permanence may be the REAL goal of the Adventures of Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: I've got no strings
To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me

ONE is the idea that accessibility is for everyone.

Read:  Outcomes in Qve Cube Production

Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental