Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Expanding the Virtual Footprint in Qve

Virtual City: Expanding the Virtual Footprint

                                           SRGEN: Time and Maps: Scoping Requirements


Time and Motion Tensors and Mathematical Knots, Virtual Machines commutative properties and convergence in QLD Schema; Branching from Pascal

Interactive Content:

We are discussing Qve concepts in ordinary terms while they represent extraordinary processes with BIG implications.  That's no reason to leave them beyond reach of applications or Team solutions.  In order to have the interactive content capability necessary in Qve new thinking has to be applied.  In an active dimension for instance, SPORTS models are often very helpful to emulate a process.  Also there are any number of serious applications to develop.   But you have to think like a bird hopping from branch to branch and nesting cubes in a Virtual META State.  There is something here to think about no matter what size your package comes in.  In Quantum Qve, don't forget to X or Size! 

continued from the prior blog: The Transmutational Advantage of the Mayan Theorem in Qve

We want to continue our discussion of Expanding the Virtual Footprint with:

  • Relating the Variable Rate to the Active Dimension
  • Describing the Gini System and Time-Tensor Relations
  • Branch Numbers and their use in programming, mapping, and flexible combinations
  • Relational aspects of String

Active Dimensions of Qve:

Our catch phrase "Get out of the Box with Qve!" reminds us that we are getting the content out of a hardware environment and tasking ourselves to think in terms of a METAframe.  This thinking takes on a life of its own and becomes complex, so don't expect that the wheel doesn't have to be invented over and over;  for awhile we expect we will need to do that.  This is why we recommend "remapping"  types of wizardry that expand this thinking to spiral pivots and other kinds of device.  The interior content always has to be remapped, let's just accept this as a Postulant of the post-modern period of the computer age, along with reindexing and sort arranging on time basis.

What does film, video and imaging have to do with active dimensions and content in Qve?

The best idea about imaging is layering content so it can be motivated and made interactive.  But that means learning to take Images apart and mapping them to specific strategies.  Video provides a time and motion content that does several things:

  • Engineer a Time and Motion Constant, or learn how to move to a different standard and format
  • Learn to think about building objects with Time and Motion
  • Enable a consensus of mapping requirements and provide tools
  • Gearing the solution to middleware that is tied to the Plex of Qve

Film, on the other hand, has big engineering implications.  If you can think of pointing a powerful camera at a cube setting and developing an entire paradigm of the diorama then you're ready to work in the more powerful lens factoring and composite idea. The whole platform for this has to be developed.  Because film will place elements into the content of the production cube. 

People are not "content".  People can be proxied to activate autobody (state) actors which have to be made and produced as well.  We can't be afraid to point to any kind of content and say: there are ideas in here that we need to work with.  But you need to get RAM and ROM out of the box.

There are some things we have noticed from the analytical point of view:

We have to plant our Taxonomy and Architecture in the META State to an inner space conditioned and hyper-developed Quantum Cube.  We have to start to understand that those who articulate and develop the META State are not monsters, do not eat people and have no such plans.  (People may have seen too many monster movies but we'll be happy just to think in terms of Monsters Inc..)  We may be somewhat apprehensive like the lyrics suggest: fools rush in where angels fear to tread, however, we see the Metaphysical state as something that is progressive and leading us towards this goal.  The sooner we can get on the same page and away from stage rage the better off we'll all be.  Everything and everyone is in a container and frame, there is no chance that space dimensioning is going to change the framed content.

As analysts we have always thought in terms of the Active Dimension.  As such when we present a content we have developed a model that spins it out in a certain way.  Better tools would do better and enable us, but the slower method of Observations has had its benefits.  This application is part of the wizardry necessary to define and build in a META space.

So we began to benchmark and to build some standards to help us get around town.  They may not be the ISO standards that end up defining the Qve, but we had to start somewhere and we are able to map back to Pascal's Triangle.  But Pascal has to BRANCH and we want to enable this as well.

We need to think about the Manifold and we began to work with this thinking.  We have developed within our sphere the idea of Affinity.  We will like you when we have common goals and we have learned to mix our terms together in defined ways that we both can employ and enjoy.  This is our theory of how the world becomes ONE in a new Quantum Universe.

So there are lots of new ways to come out of siloed thinking into the mainstream of STRING and variable rate applications.  In the Flat Cloud, the dimensions of the space must be thin and predicated on the delivery system.  We do not intend to own someone else's production concept or theory, but it does have to work together.  We need to come out of some zoo-based or alien-based metaphor and realize we will transition to this system, but we'll have increased functionality, intelligences and capabilities to combine and work that we have never had before.  With that being said, and changing our Space-Time realization to the Flat Cloud engineering, let's go ahead and take all of these conjectures out of the box as well.  We need to quit being afraid of Outer Space because when the Owner is done changing everything to fit the new Quantum Cube arrangement all of the Power distributions will be reapplied to active dimensions that work together.  And aliens will just be friendly resources we deploy with a deeper sense of appreciation of the firmware they provide.

The primary goal of Qve is to have an active dimension of Matrix Variables and formulated Applications that all work together.  In other words a very capable Mapping arrangement.  Right now we are thinking in terms of Emulation but in order to work through this Simulation tools of the Qvs will be necessary.  So while we need that Merlin wizadry to always apply to a DRU ID relationship that takes magic out and puts technology in, we have been told IT will work!  In other words all the Stakeholders will be on the same page and sign off on this.

But we have not discussed Sound and Color engineering in relation to Quantum.  And we are going to push that subject over to Virtual Glass.  In the interim we wish to remind the reader that QLD and the use of Virtual Machines is faster and more accurate, already exists, and may serve to be the real source of format arrangements for the Quantum Cube.  Packaging is everything.

Seeing that everything can be produced on a different basis and built from interior dimensions in another gauge, can change our point of view in how the theory of everything may be performance driven, and will require a workforce with advanced quantum capabilities.

Gini System and Time-Tensor Relations

Here on the Island of Busy we've been taking all kinds of ideas and working with them.  We took our clock standard and went up and down the scale until we hit an unbelievable sequence.  In poker it would be called a Royal Flush, which means that spiral theory of the matrix we've been deploying is probably VERY GOOD.  In Game Theory this means we can keep describing these ideas because more than likely we are hitting the nose of a specialized Intelligent Artiface that keeps us all on the same page.  In other words, the odds of hitting this sequence randomly are: 300 trillion to ONE, we have a calculation we'll get it later.  In the meantime, don't say our modeling is too small or too big.  Apparently IT works!  It's functional and it applies.  We have a good mentor: OA owner approved.

The Gini System that has to apply here is related to the Gini Model and what it must do is create a bottle that keeps every part of a machine tied together.  This means that way down at the quark valence level the same Gini System is being applied, and we can built up to the Virtual Machine level whatever we need to do from String based applications. Remembering that the Gini Model can function within a single domain of multiple layers, it can enable machine mapping but requires timing to loop through sequences in order to maintain machine operability.

So in addition to that the Coining of Discrete Time applications needs to follow suit, and enable us to produce on a timeline or in the manifold, anything that can be made in these Virtual City applications.  A person's level of Access has to do with the level to which their functionality is applied not their political consensus.  It doesn't matter how many "likes" we have on Facebook, we're going to produce at a certain level, think applications at another level, describe content requirements at another level and we need assistance.  Eventually we'll have an inner capability that suits our outer paradigm, and the layers of system expertise to meet it  We agree with Wernher Von Braun and do not feel that we should own limitations, but see the future goals of accommodating progress across the board. We believe our future is Timeless and Limitless, always seeking adaptation.

So when we point back to 1960's ideas it's not with a limited applied thinking, we see the geni coming out of the bottle.  In other words, we can't help but enlarging this discussion to the venues that exceed the bounds of our human proportions in order to be able to work with active states.

This kind of multiVIEW multitasking is too much even for someone with Multilinear sight. We believe that people will work in combinations in the META state and that quantum viability is dependent on a varied workforce acquiring machine based learning and active intelligences. This requires a very small footprint and an ability in a virtual medium to be very flexible.  When such a STATE change would occur we could not say, however we remind the reader that quantum is 10,000x the speed of light.  It can be geared and gauged differently but can transform quickly.

As a reminder the ability to park, motivate, motion, activate and configure is as a result of the  independent use of particles in a ground state. We are discussing QLD energy particle string as the new Quantum basis, discussed throughout our blog.  Please avail yourself of the entire topic.

We believe that the Gates and everything devised for this System are unlike anything presently out there. While the footprint of this is small, and meant to be virtually encrypted, access may be a few steps away.  So given that this Green Technology satisfied the requirements and we have described the methods to a certain degree, we will continue.  String is different than Stream, although stream may be a method still deployed as part of the Virtual Footprint in Qve.  We will discuss String as an application later.  Virtual Glass and Manifold Engineering are saved as separate topics.  Our layered views allow us to generate a topical discussion and map directionally to the Qve System. We also want to point to the accessible random patterns of interior dimensions as a valid source of encryption.

Branch Numbers and their use in programming, mapping, and flexible combinations

We are using financial engineering, and for all of its limitations, it gets us around the Cube well enough.  At least well enough to start a discussion about the use of branch numbers.

In the above illustration we very carefully worked through the entire idea of developing the QLD science approach to producing Virtual Machines on a manifold.  We worked with tiers, cubes and projects centered on columns and a bridge that have certain requirements.  In doing so we began to think through the idea of the Supply Chain versus the Workforce composition.  This led us to start to think through strategy associated with the ideas.  We learned that it was necessary to conquer the curve with a size and scale that produced a rapid build-out that is streamlined to the agile and adaptive requirements.  Also, we learned that it was necessary to map all of this even just to demonstrate the approach.

Branch numbers allow programming to take place on a basis of sequencing.  We have done that with our proxy arrangement.  Branch numbers also allow programming to take place on a mapping basis, because certain roots have certain specific relevancy to active dimensions.  We have started to describe these mapping arrangements.  Further, and even more interesting, branch numbers allow certain series, apportioning of sequences, and direct reading and emulation from various segments of branching.  To reiterate:

Branch numbers allow:
  1. sequence programming
  2. active dimension mapping of roots
  3. emulation of segmented branching (flexing)
How do you get branching numbers?  In Virtual Analytics, everything is on the same basis.  This includes Matrix, Metrics, Graphical Analysis, Interpolations and Maps.  So every number is describing in a sequence something about the dynamic that is being formulated.  The problem is really learning how to relate the numbers and read them in each appropriate instance.

What makes this different in QLD is the Flat Cloud arrangement, where volume and dimension are very delimited and become a standard flat composition. If everything and everyone is working in Virtual aspiration with a defined access and encryption, cubes can pass through one another without any conflict as long as certain protocols are observed.  This means that you can pull down a relevant sequence and work with it in part to attach your work to it and have it become part of the cube you are working on with your Team.  It may be a temporary sequence that gets assigned a permanent number like your files resident on a network.

The flexibility of branch numbers teaches you to think carefully about what you are doing because if you have a branch conflict then you may be not working in the manner that you ought to be.  It could happen that you are applying the wrong function.  That should generate a flag. 

The only way this could work together with people, machines and state is if everything were retrofit to work on the same basis.  We point to the string basis as the deliverable that changes the state system to a dependable functional synchronous and flexible Quantum.  We point back to the "Spruce Goose," as the modern marvels approach to where many of these changes have occurred.  In fact, using what has been learned about many concepts helps to develop the pattern for ONE. QLD energy is packaged energy and doesn't require fuel.  It works on a little virtual engine that does everything.

So, we were able to take our thinking up the scale on the Manifold and test out how appropriate our results became.  We were able to synchronize and align all of our metrics regarding dimensional attributes.  And then we were able to begin to read our branch numbers.

When we benchmarked our numbers by creating standards, that is also when we found the Significance of 911 to Flat World Technologies.  We have aligned our Point of View regarding history and everything relevant to progress in this world to the idea of Quantum QLD and Qve, because it is the singular composition that delivers a consistent response throughout.

It is impossible to simply randomly arrive at a pattern that consistently reconciles historic information and activity.  And so we also point out that the possibility of arriving at this sequence is astronomically unlikely without consistent mentoring and application of the theoretical approach.  You will notice that our regression formula also was reapplied to the correct dynamic. The difference between the 5.04 x to the 4.03 transition is 1.01which demonstrated to us an increase of One Clock arrangement as a result of changes to the world scale.  The sequencing of the entire process has to be correct or the function would not produce a correct result.  We did this entirely by independent observation and have no vested interest in the result.

If time were not bridged none of our sequencing would work, none of our time based metrics would make sense, and if time travel were possible in the sense of altering time, our lives would take on the same nonsensical and inconsistent patterns.  But here, plainly, time is bridged.  We do believe the use of alternative timelines for planning purposes is an excellent use of quantum. What makes us think that leaping to other timelines is not the plan for the future.  For one thing it does not meet the Scope requirements that were laid out for us to follow.  For another thing it does not fit the paradigm we have been taught to recognize in the use of Gates and Particles, such as the Matrix.

We also found that the use of timelines does not assemble a product in the same manner as a Manifold, and we tend to see that idea as an incomplete use of the factory of the universe in compression and recomposing the string particle arrangement.

We also believe that QLD Energy and the Qve Cube presents itself as one of the few arrangements that completes the cycle of storytelling with an adaptive center for cognitive development.  It also reveals the emphasis of both the butterfly effect and the migration process. We also have to recall that our comprehension of sciences needs to be updated so that we don't make the mistake of "Farenheit 451" and forget about updating our knowledge about burning books, Kindle content, memory and what suitable mediums are.  In fact paper has come to be described differently.

So now we will travel to the theory of how Demand cycles affect the result.

Strategic use of demand cycles can impact our delivery, and scope based metrics.  We are taking a look at the patterns of cycling through a period of making a BOOK of orders.  The way we complete these cycles depends on whether or not we will recognize enough conversion in the period.

In the same way our supply chain must turn over a certain number of packets within a period. It is within the GAP that we can distinguish how well the patterns we have established will work. Long lead times definitely impact reaching our finish line with adequate funding.

Another important factor in funds flow, is knowing the correct pricing methodology to follow.  This change in Demand Scale can have an impact on the way we have set prices. The engineering value of any product has to meet the correct metrics in order to gain the future tooling and equipment to meet the next level of demand.  Moving up in demand scale is an intricate arrangement.

Here is a very definite place where the use of sports emulations and game theory would be quite helpful in emulating and simulating complex patterns of workflow in product and entertainment, remembering that a cube production can be bigger than a room and a very complex assembly.

Relational aspects of String

In Qve we are crossing a platform in order to meet the next level of Demand.  Because we are working with QLD Energy particle string, we can pick from and assemble any type of proven META based content.  Depending on the impact of changing that content, objects may be changed while in service.  And if they can not we may need to create a new product basket.

For instance in the above strategy of configuring the packet, the content may be changed in specific way from the interior without soliciting any response from the subscriber.  But if the arrangement is wrong for the new delivery it may be time to take a look at the way the Basket is arranged.

All of these demand scale changes can be met by arrangement on a  (3) timeline(s) except for the last one which must be placed on a manifold.  We can look at 360 as in cycles or days.  In Quantum the idea of a day is as different as a clock.  We can look at the cycle as a 10% reduction in scale or take the basket apart and see how it might be arranged differently.  The first idea is probably only good for an initial scheduling of a block of time.  We need to hit our BOOK with the amount of product that must be made. (We are not demonstrating how many subscribers per machine, cloning, etc..)

It was here that we realized that the manifold method was the most advanced way to scale demand in a supply chain requirement.  And we realized once again, that the desire to build advanced products required a complete change in the way the universe is designed in order to accommodate this method on a Quantum basis.  Since the format of everything had to change so much and the project required changing everything over a very long period (in order not to impact the timeline), we began to appreciate Stem year cycles and a lot of other requirements that we had previously taken for granted.

When we got our Cube to run on the correct cycle of progression, it became a cube.  If String relation was not on the basis of QLD we could not expect to changeout a product like a machine on this basis, because of the way it can be packaged and pre-packaged.  On this basis the price equivalent may remain constant with the metric requirement becoming more standardized.  However the demand scale will always be reaching for the next level of adaptation, which to our understanding is plotted well beyond what we would now call our 21st Century.

We will discuss more about benchmarks and mapping in the next blog topic but for now we want to plant some scope thinking here:  With this method it is possible to build in less than one hour what it used to take 25 years of collaborative thinking and enterprise.  See next, the changing scale is in Qve Virtual Glass.

25 or 6 to 4

Waiting for the break of day
Searching for something to say
Dancing lights against the sky
Giving up I close my eyes
Should have tried to do some more
Twenty five or six to four, oh yeah

Songwriters: ROBERT LAMM
© Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Spirit Music Group, BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC

read also:
The Transmutational Advantage of the Mayan Theorem in Qve

Disclaimer: Blog material is presented as the basis of discussion material and is not to be construed as advice, counsel or education, and may at times be misconstrued if read in a context different than the writer's intent. No portion of this blog has been knowingly reproduced. Any resemblance to a specific company or entity is purely coincidental