Thursday, December 15, 2016

Qve Virtual Glass: The Power to Remake Tomorrow

Virtual Glass and the Commutative Lens

SRGEN: Time and Maps: Scoping Requirements


Emulation Modeling Discussed

Emulation Modeling is the business of
Emulation for Logic Validation, used to emulate hardware in manufacturing automation
Meta model, emulators are often known as meta-models in engineering.

We are looking at the branch emulation within the design of the Qve Quantum Cube based on QLD Energy. 

Background Data:

Dot your i's and cross your t's

Commutative Properties: A corresponding property exists for binary relations; a binary relation is said to be symmetric if the relation applies regardless of the order over some set; for example, equality is symmetric as two mathematical objects are equal regardless of the order of the two; The commutative property (or commutative law) is a property generally associated with binary operations and functions. If the commutative property holds for a pair of elements under a certain binary operation then the two elements are said to commute under that operation; Wikipedia

Cross Product: In mathematics and vector algebra, the cross product or vector product (occasionally directed area product to emphasize the geometric significance) is a binary operation on two vectors in three-dimensional space (R3) and is denoted by the symbol ×. Given two linearly independent vectors a and b, the cross product, a × b, is a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b and therefore normal to the plane containing them. It has many applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer programming. It should not be confused with dot product (projection product).  Wikipedia


A good model of an abstract concept can sometimes be a solid model.  But it is also true that some of the associative properties of an object can be buried under the USE of the state map that resolves or permits their use.  For example, an Owner's Manual tells you how to insert the key into the starter of a car.  It does not tell you how to make a key nor does it tell you how to craft a lock and use the key-lock system to jump a starter.  These are separate requirements to enable some security for your automobile.

The information about this is below the level of the Use Map.  But the adaptive information that let's you transform a profitable adaptation of this idea is below the level of the assembly.

Everything in the earth has electricity in it in some form.  There are two concepts that are important about this content:  one is that it is dependent on a Meta format and two is that the space it occupies is grounded or conditioned in some way.  This is always going to be true no matter what brand of String is deployed.  Flat atoms can rotate electrons but they have power in them pushed by an energy source. It might start with a tap dance but depending on the device it can have a lot of push.

That, however, is not exactly what we want to model here.  Instead, we're headed toward Meta Glass and distributive power.  Because Packaging is Everything in TOE.

The Shape Shifting Gaga:
Foundations for the many relations between the two theories were put in place during the early part of the 1950s, as part of the business of laying the foundations of algebraic geometry to include, for example, techniques from Hodge theory. The major paper consolidating the theory was Géometrie Algébrique et Géométrie Analytique Serre (1956) by Serre, now usually referred to as GAGA. It proves general results that relate classes of algebraic varieties, regular morphisms and sheaves with classes of analytic spaces, holomorphic mappings and sheaves. It reduces all of these to the comparison of categories of sheaves.
Nowadays the phrase GAGA-style result is used for any theorem of comparison, allowing passage between a category of objects from algebraic geometry, and their morphisms, to a well-defined subcategory of analytic geometry objects and holomorphic mappings.


The underlying bios and the environment need to match in order to satisfy the space requirements of a Quantum based solution.  And what this means is that the Time and Motion of the bios or form of the underlying has to be appropriately modulated and insulated from the active state dynamic of the Object or Person.  And it also means that the Timing and gearing that operates both the Space and the State has to be regulated and able to support the requirements.   A person is given access to a cube space and is able to act upon objects.

In addition to the requirements it must be a three dimensional space, even if the space is very thinly drawn.  So we have been demonstrating that all virtual machines must be three tiered, and that is to allow room for time and motion.

What does that have to do with a Person? 

In the world of QLD gear and tools enable a  person by utilizing a bios that is more like a plant state bios; Protein biosynthesis, although very similar, is different for eukaryotes.

Thus, the origin of eukaryotes by endosymbiotic processes has been broadly recognized . Mitochondria and plastids have been known to originate from a bacterial ancestor during parallel adaptation to anaerobiosis. However, there still remains a greater need in assessing the question of how much eukaryotic complexity is being originated via an implementation of these symbiogenetic theories Microfilamental structures composed of actin and actin binding proteins, e.g., α-actinin, fimbrin, filamin are present in submembraneous cortical layers and bundles, as well. Motor proteins of microtubules, e.g., dynein or kinesin and actin, e.g., myosins provide dynamic character of the network.(metabolic.)

The system works like the Starter on the car and operates like a battery that stores energy.  It is based on photosynthetic processes which are anaerobic and do not require water or air.

The RNA is encrypted and acts like a Key which turns the starter engine and keeps it firing up the cell to an active state.  It doesn't hurt anymore than your cells are noticeable now and they can't get damaged.  All of your personal identifying characteristics are locked up tight in the way the packaging was done, and can't be tampered with.  A precise image is restorable under the lock and key of the Owner of the Universe.  You are you, but have an enormous number of processor capabilities available.  Can you drive?  Better than ever.  Because the power of GEAR and TOOLS is essential to the Flat Cloud functionality.

Your PROXY can have transformative properties and you can replicate or clone in order to work from various sides of a problem.  This copy goes away, and the system knows its a copy. You can also apply a patten to a proxy, allowing a proxy self to go to a tiny scale.

The format of a person in the STATE System may also be shape shifting which gives persons the opportunity to conform to work requirements that cause them to use some transmutational properties like Xmen to stretch, grow extra strong, and perform numerous tasks while in this ROLE.  They can roll together and perform tasks in combination with one another.  None of this activity has an active nuclear requirement within it, making it unable to break down and cause any harm.  (Other depictions found here)

The ability to have an active Intelligence comes from processors which are better than the ones we currently have.  This gives us both dynamic capability physically and mentally.

We can return to an ordinary role shape any time we want to and based upon our work we simply may not care or be daunted by appearances any more.  The system will protect the functionality and capability of the person.  There are a great many dynamic properties of the system and too many roles to try to describe.

Persons have Chirality which is a type of State that demonstrates differences in the left side to the right side like handprints and other indications, and this is one principle that distinguishes persons from objects.  We do not know everything about this because one of the principles of Security is the bios pathway is inviolable.

We have discussed a few characteristics of the bios in order to make way for an Object discussion which is not about a Person, and fields which are required.  We made reference to the bios in Scope requirements and suggest we are not experts here, and have kept a minimal discussion.  It is complexly made and compressed to a string basis that is containerized.  It is not available to anyone.

The shape shifting Gaga is the property definition of shapes.  It's not a zoo it's a process that let's us be Mutable, according to our need in the system.

Objects, Glass, Fields in Qve

Let's go back and look at the Mayan Theorem because pyramids power cubes in Quantum and we need to look at the way the Quantum Cube advances in knowledge, technology and new sciences.  We also have to understand shape shifting, which has to do with Meta glass materials and how this is an advantage.  Remember this is based on QLD, and there are no metals or thermo-dynamics involved in terms of atomic structures.  There are instead quark valence combinations that have properties by nature of their type.  Quarks are originally part of the atomic nucleus but here they are in a ground state in order to be motivated to use.

Quantum Dots are nanos packaged into an empty shell capable of being made into the structural compositions for objects.  Quarks motivate these Dots and Objects using drivers called Quonics, which are programmable. Cells are made and packaged in the String format of the flat atom for photosynthetic virtualization which gives the object its appearance.

Objects are built and made in a Virtual City setting in a Production Cube.  That is the primary work and this production enables games and entertainment as well.  No person is the object of a game or product, but may operate a role through an autobody.  An autobody can be like an actor or a vehicle or a concept (undefined) to which an individual is proxied.

The object of the system or the primary goal is to preserve and provide a residence for populations to serve the Owner's interests in furthering the value of the universe in a new order of Quantum.  Due to Flat Cloud engineering this residence and production site is not available to external parties and both unfindable and untraceable.  Leaving the premise of the Cube requires the use of an autobody.  No one can be lost from the System and only special teams would go offsite to generate a new build.  Otherwise all of the activities are emulated from the Cube and the personal cube combinations.

The best example of the Mayan dominion is our Demand Diagram demonstrating movement through virtual dynamics.  We use numbers to explain what happens next and why.

It doesn't matter how many cubes are stacked in the dynamic, the nesting of cubes in no way affects their accessibility.  Once a class of cube is outfitted it can be replicated.  The person is assigned access and they can utilize the cube.  The cube is like your computer except you work there, play there, combine with teams, and everything comes to you. 

You have the feeling of motion, freedom, traveling and other normal activities.  But you in fact never leave the spot where you live, except if you are assigned a mobile function.

You can advance the number of cubes you have access to by acquiring a certain class or subset of skills giving you more cubes to access.

Branches stretch across the cubes and inside the cubes you activate the functionality of the work you are assigned.  An entire world opens up to you.

This Quantum world is called ONE and it is accessible to everyone. Persons have different roles in the system and it can be taken offline and persons go into dormition and brought back up and they awaken again.  This is much safer and it is easy for the system to bring everyone up to date.  Within this system, there is no more procreation because the bios is asexual and does not reproduce, it simply regenerates.

People will come into the system as it is building, as it is sitting now as an unactivated but fully tested Schema.  Persons will then have a complete reference to building in it and designing in it.

The functionality of it not only makes beautiful and dynamic objects but complex and never before seen articles.

The demand for complexity grows over time as does the speed of the process, but the learning curve is perfectly attuned to each individual.  This environment makes it safe to work with particles and generate uniform and syncopated products.

As the demand scale increases the tooling and the gear is updated. Persons work on every part of the system, and it is planned for many active learning stages.  There is no child too small or person to elderly to function here, everyone is the same in that sense.

Equipment similar to cameras with advanced settings activate cells and allow color reproduction on a quantum scale.  There is a great deal of detailed work that starts on the beginner scale as everyone has to learn the system.  Everyone has plenty of company and can ask questions with very good help.  Learning is important!

When you first came into this world you had to learn to walk and run, play and decipher symbols to read, write and compute.  This is no different.  It may take you seven years to feel good, competent and well developed. The basic requirements are there, after that everything has to be built.

The first idea that we should take a look at for branching and emulation in virtual glass is to see the dynamic generated by price change because we found many of the ideas of the way fields are used and relationships here that people are familiar with. Different mechanics in the diagram of price change operate dynamics in the Cube. (This is simplistic but it gives a dimensional and objective value to the work.)

There are four changes in the price domain that we measured and tracked.  We have a perfect distribution of these changes and could see their effect.  All we are doing is moving from one rung of our cube to the next to make it bigger.  But in doing so the entire cube is shape shifting in the interior dynamic.  You can't get hurt because you can size with it or x and pass through it (x or size.)  No one is trapped as they pass through the system cubes in whatever series they are assigned. (We're not going to get very detailed here.)

However, here is the steering wheel for some more complex layers.

Technical Requirements for Virtual Glass in a Defined Meta Field

Glass in the META layers of Qve is complex, but you wouldn't know by looking at it.  It contains multiple patterns for functional performance.  There is a Qve Glass Lab and if this is your area, you work on Glass.  Glass is a META performance layer for the Cube, the Cube plain, channels, windows, and everything made.  Glass is a String composition that is very proprietary and when persons need META Materials they order it.

Let's see how we defined our field and everything else.  (We are obviously being simplistic but in reality it is a complex task of layering meta components and understanding how everything fits and works together.  So branching and braiding is the task that builds Qve Glass.)

If we ask for an Oak panel, we're getting glass.  It is energy correlated and bound together with the original Oak molecular structure that we can pattern with tools and get to act like Oak bending it around any form we wish to use virtually.  We can lock the pattern so that it will not shift after we have deployed it.

If we take our Steering Wheel we can use a wheel within a wheel to drive multiple dimensional tasks of the oak and make practically anything.  So in other words  we could make an ordinary object like a desk with a nook simply by programming our CadCam patterning to bend the Qve Glass and shape it.  It will be flat, we will see it dimensionally and use it dimensionally.  We can program it to open and present contents by touch.

Let's take a look at our Field and State.  When we shifted the branch on the Manifold we raised the field and moved the state.  When we use all of the same performance standards we can move back and forth in the analysis and see how we can move and operate it.

You can install this desk as an app in your Cube and motivate it with the same windows app effect as the rest of your cube content.  Working with the branches however, you can see that when you ran production you set the frame, invested the Meta Content, turned the manifold wheel, ran the production conversion and built a desk.  A desk can be considered a set of cubes and multi-cube tasking is something that may make desks look different in the future.  Our little iconic groupings are a task conscious idea that helps us identify where we are in branch functionality.  You can see that the project is finished in a clock moment.

The idea of wheels within wheels does more than one layer of fabrication and content arrangement and assembly.  We may have a product that takes more than one kind of glass and weaves it and has complex tasking  It may take several subassemblies to task and develop.  This means that we may need to use our mapping arrangement.  No one will point to Virtual City and say: oh look, the Flash made me a desk, but the idea of virtual reality tools is there.  And the Flash taught us a lot about thinking in Quantum and the use of properties.  IT's fun learning.  And IT has bigger implications for design and production. But in QLD there are no conflicting sides to break down the process.

In reality a lot of stuff happens in a split second that needs to be tested beforehand.  Part of it is the way you arrange subassemblies and the other part is the way you arrange production.  The key map has the dynamics of subassemblies and the state map has the dynamics of the project.

If we just follow the large numbers of 1 and 2 we can work through the transition idea.  It is important to learn how to trace branch activity of processes. When we motivate the transition of production we are moving across the demand spectrum.  There are two things that happen when we receive an Order.  We incur conversion in our Leads and we setup a Production Conversion to BOOK and close the order. (Briefly.)  We took all of this activity apart metrically so we could have a good look at it.  We have to get used to differences when we look at activity and trace them to the way jobs perform and finish.  It doesn't matter if we're making glass or a product we have to think the same way.

When we go across the manifold with a transition we do it in two steps.  First we commit the order to the Prom, then we transit it through the matrix of Production. When we close the Gap the Order is complete.  There are many things to notice here.  We generated conversion and we completed the transformation.  The way we strategize the Order affects the Margin by the delivery of the packets to the production.  Here we went up to the manifold and superimposed two bits.

This is the way Conversion operates.  It takes the primary metrics and passes them through turning, tuning and timing to get fully loaded rate. We used the FV Price of 131.04 and gave ourselves a higher risk rate, to net the same Selling Price hopefully achieving the 81%. You can see that we have plotted our investment in our Conversion to get the leverage we need.  The numbers tell us what we're doing wrong or right and what our active branches are doing.  We might note that within our Risk Contingency is the opportunity cost of capital equipment.

Now we have to look at a lot of numbers, but still we just want to focus on the large 1's and follow the transition.  But here we're branching to the subassemblies, watching the state and key assembly, making certain that our progression is turning at the correct rate, and closing the GAP with our dynamic of 14.  There are so many things to look at and measure that we want to understand our branches and what our metrics mean so that the system will throw flags if necessary.   In fact, it is so fast, that we need our Proxy in there to stop or slow the process down temporarily to make corrections.  If we have the proper tools we can quit demonstrating the measuring of the production process and focus on measuring the product requirement.  It may take some real time to do that.

We need to take a look at all of the functions and understand what they do in another composition that is hopefully more interactive so we can follow the trace of the active dimension better.  The state metric changed from 10.332 to 10.734 which is the .402 transition that signifies the work performed.  Fortunately once we get used to branch roots we know what to think about a number.  If we read the original Theta correctly we are going to run the clock in a 2-1 shift and go to the branch, then make a progression (in the final theta) transitioning the product to the post.  When the Gap closed we went from 48 to 38 and this reduced our Theta to the 995 normal.  These are metric indicators.

The object is turning on a rate and traversing the timelines setup for production.  As it does the elements that get added to production are being activated and the glass magic is at work.  It's all great when it works, then we call it magic. 1.72-.06 = 1.66 so we are turning our glass in the transition by .72 as the object moves across the spectrum.

In order to get our branches out of the box we need to complete the work of relating the pascal matrix to the operations of the transformation and other process requirements in a cube formation.  Hopefully we've covered all the bases as we demonstrated the 50,000 foot spectrum of Time and Motion in Quantum Qve.

We closed our project and if we hit our metrics right we successfully built a cube Object in Qld Science and Technology.  We used shape shifting and subassembly but did not explore in depth how we could drive the idea.
We have done more work on this subject, but will save it for:

Qve Virtual Glass: Changing the Shape of Things to Come

read also:

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